Providers in Social Worker
- Social Worker1
- Acute Care1
- Acute Inpatient Hospital45
- Adult Reconstructive Surgery, Orthopedic3
- Advanced Heart Failure and Transplant Cardiology2
- Allergy & Immunology, Pediatric3
- Behavioral Health Services12
- Cardiology, Pediatric3
- Certified Home Health Agency85
- Diagnostic Radiology11
- Durable Medical Equipment1022
- Electrodiagnostic Medicine1
- Emergency Medicine, Pediatric2
- Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism1
- Epilepsy15
- Family Medicine2
- Hospice and Palliative Care1
- Inpatient Psychiatric Facility Services15
- Laboratories112
- Licensed Behavior Analyst4
- Neck Surgery2
- Neuropsychiatry4
- Nutrition Services1
- Orthopaedic Surgery1
- Orthopaedics3
- Orthopedic Surgery, Back1
- Orthopedic Surgery, Spine1
- Outpatient Dialysis Clinic50
- Physical Therapy Facility38
- Podiatrist, Foot & Ankle Surgery1
- Primary Care Providers5452
- Private Duty Nursing9
- Professional Counselor2
- Prosthetics & Orthotics29
- Retina and Vitreous Surgery1
- Skilled Nursing Facility95
- Sleep Medicine13
- Specialists23770
- Acupuncture5
- Addiction Medicine67
- Addiction Psychiatry1
- Adolescent Medicine1
- Allergy & Immunology126
- Anesthesiology72
- Audiology196
- Bariatric Surgery12
- Behavioral Analysis2
- Cardiac Electrophysiology58
- Cardiac Surgery17
- Cardiology501
- Cardiology, Interventional68
- Cardiology, Nuclear5
- Cardiothoracic Surgery41
- Cardiovascular Disease450
- Cardiovascular Surgery10
- Child & Adolescent Psychiatry5
- Chiropractic Medicine28
- Chiropractor48
- Colon & Rectal Surgery148
- Critical Care20
- Critical Care Medicine200
- Critical Care Surgery36
- Dermatology308
- Diabetes Educator40
- Dietician27
- Dietician Nutritionist8
- Dietician, Registered151
- Echocardiography3
- Emergency Medicine59
- Endocrinology And Metabolism14
- Endocrinology, Diabetes & Metabolism184
- Foot Surgery8
- Gastroenterology395
- General Surgery308
- Genetics7
- Geriatric Medicine13
- Geriatrics102
- Gynecologic Oncology3
- Gynecology30
- Hand Surgery16
- Hand Therapy1
- Head & Neck Surgery2
- Head Surgery4
- Hematology58
- Hematology-Oncology2
- Hospice & Palliative Medicine105
- Hospitalist16
- Infectious Diseases160
- Infectious Diseases, Pediatric2
- Infusion Services17
- Internal Medicine2353
- Interventional Cardiology28
- Licensed Practical Nurse2
- Marriage & Family Therapy14
- Maternal-Fetal Medicine106
- Medical Oncology21
- Mental Health Counselor145
- Midwife226
- Midwife, Advanced Practice43
- Midwives15
- Mohs Surgery8
- Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine13
- Nephrology302
- Nephrology, Pediatric1
- Neurological Surgery21
- Neurology833
- Neurology, Pediatric16
- Neurology, Vascular30
- Neuromuscular Medicine8
- Neuropathology3
- Neurophysiology28
- Neuropsychology39
- Neuroradiology14
- Neurosurgery211
- Nuclear Cardiology2
- Nuclear Medicine18
- Nurse Anesthetist, Registered2
- Nurse Practitioner967
- Nurse Practitioner (Specialist)3180
- Nurse Practitioner Psychiatry13
- Nurse, Registered (Specialist)19
- Nutritionist5
- Obesity & Weight Management20
- Obstetrics30
- Obstetrics & Gynecology Surgery3
- Obstetrics/Gynecology1047
- Occupational Health32
- Occupational Therapy283
- Oncology46
- Oncology, Gynecologic15
- Oncology, Hematology247
- Oncology, Medical82
- Oncology, Radiation208
- Oncology, Surgical23
- Ophthalmology369
- Orthopedic Surgery710
- Orthopedic Surgery, Hand3
- Orthopedic Surgery, Pediatric1
- Orthopedics48
- Orthopedics, Ankle3
- Orthopedics, Foot3
- Osteopathic Medicine2
- Otolaryngology254
- Otolaryngology, Pediatric4
- Pain Management131
- Pain Management, Interventional18
- Palliative Medicine7
- Pathology6
- Pathology, Dermatopathology17
- Pediatric Surgery5
- Physical Medicine & Rehab11
- Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation307
- Physical Therapy980
- Physical Therapy, Neurology1
- Physician Assistant18
- Physician Assistant (Specialist)2939
- Plastic Surgery119
- Plastic Surgery, Facial10
- Podiatric Surgery19
- Podiatry298
- Preventive Medicine10
- Psychiatry1031
- Psychiatry, Addiction9
- Psychiatry, Child & Adolescent67
- Psychiatry, Geriatric11
- Psychology411
- Psychology, Child & Adolescent5
- Psychosomatic Medicine5
- Pulmonary Disease40
- Pulmonology436
- Radiation Oncology10
- Radiology6
- Radiology, Diagnostic59
- Radiology, Vascular & Interventional12
- Reconstructive Surgery21
- Reproductive Endocrinology1
- Rheumatology125
- Rheumatology, Pediatric3
- Sleep Diagnostics43
- Social Work776
- Speech Language Pathology144
- Spinal Cord Injury Medicine4
- Sports Medicine122
- Surgery513
- Surgical Oncology3
- Thoracic Surgery95
- Transfusion Medicine1
- Transplant Surgery26
- Trauma Surgery14
- Undersea & Hyperbaric Medicine2
- Urgent Care17
- Urogynecology12
- Urological Surgery2
- Urology521
- Urology, Pediatric6
- Vascular & Interventional Rad1
- Vascular Surgery163
- Wound Care14
- Surgery (Breast Surgical Oncology)3
- Surgery Center9
- Transportation11
Soulia, Clark, LMSW
Listed in Social Worker, Specialists
United Health Services Hospitals, Inc.
UHS Binghamton General Hospital
Accepting New Patients:
(607) 762-2340
33 Mitchell Avenue
Binghamton, NY 13903
Binghamton, NY 13903